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A student who receive a scholarship
December 2nd, 2016

Creation of a new bursary for excellence

The purpose of this $2,500 bursary is to facilitate the winner’s integration on the labour market by providing the opportunity to make the rounds of auditions with major companies at home and abroad. The winner is named by a selection committee consisting of representatives of l’École supérieure and Jeune Scène d’affaires.

“Supporting up-and-coming artists is key to our approach, and we consider it particularly important to support the professional integration of young dancers, a process we ourselves experienced not that long ago,” noted Natacha Engel, Vice-President of the Fondation de l’École supérieure and founder of Jeune Scène d’affaires. The project’s instigator, Jeune Scène d’affaires is proud to participate, in collaboration with the Caisse Desjardins de la Culture, in the implementation of this bursary of excellence.

Founded in 1994, the Caisse de la Culture arose from a desire to provide artists, artisans, creators and cultural undertakings with the means to express their talents and live up to their aspirations. The Caisse de la Culture has been actively involved with a number of cultural organizations and has maintained a special relationship with the world of dance since it was first established.

The very first recipient of the Caisse de la Culture’s bursary of excellence presented by Jeune Scène d’affaires is Sarah-Maude Laliberté, a graduate of the professional program. The Fondation of l’École supérieure’s annual cocktail, held on December 2nd, provided Marie-Christine Cojocaru, General Manager of the Caisse Desjardins de la Culture, with the opportunity to officially award the bursary.

Sarah-Maude Laliberté joined l’École supérieure’s professional program in 2009. From the outset, she displayed considerable perseverance and discipline, qualities that are essential in the professional field. She also took part in a number of student projects, reinforcing her sense of belonging to l’École supérieure and making it possible to raise funds in support of artistic and pedagogical programs.

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