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December 4th, 2023

Dance visit to Sainte-Justine Hospital: When dance sows joy

We recently enjoyed an extraordinary morning at Sainte-Justine Hospital, thanks to the generosity of students from the École supérieure de ballet du Québec. Accompanied by their dedicated teachers, Anne Dryburgh and Nathalie Gérard, as well as hospital volunteers, our young dancers offered an emotional and gentle visit to the hospital.

The grace of their sober, elegant dancing brought a breath of fresh air and positivity to the brave children currently undergoing treatment. Many smiles were exchanged, creating unforgettable moments of solidarity and kindness.

Beyond the dance steps, our students left a lasting impression on the hearts of the little patients. Their presence was a source of joy and comfort, testifying to the transformative power of art in sometimes difficult contexts.

Our student volunteers were also transfigured by the experience!

"It was an amazing experience that I will always carry in my heart. It made me feel complete"
Dayana Cattaldo, student of Superior cycle

"Personally, I loved the experience and would do it again any time. To see dreams in the children's eyes, and just as much in the parents', is the best motivation ever!"
Annabelle Croteau, student of Intermediate cycle

"I hope my love of dance has given a little hope to all the young people we've seen. This experience reminded me to never take anything for granted and to take full advantage of my physical and mental health."
Melia Venditto, student of Superior cycle

These testimonials reflect the profound impact this experience has had on our students, and we're proud to see how the poetry of dance can transcend difficulties to bring light to dark moments.

Thank you to all those who helped make this dance tour possible.
Together, let's continue to spread the magic of art and solidarity.

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