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A teacher with his students in a studio.
photo: Paula Youwakim
October 7th, 2020

New Adjustments to our Activities

L’École supérieure can maintain most of its activities while respecting the measures announced Monday, October 5 by the government of Québec to try to break the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some adjustments are necessary as of October 8.

At the Recreational Division, all classes are migrating online. Teachers and pianists will be in the studio and students at home. The upgrade of IT equipment, currently underway, is helping to provide an improved experience.

Students at the Professional Division, except those in the novice cycle, will continue to come to the studio on the same days as before, because the Ministry of Education grants an exception status to particular educational projects that can respect distancing measures.

Here is what’s new, by cycle:

Classes are going online.

Classes are shortened, except on Saturday.

Everything continues in accordance to rules already in place.

Every other day, when students arrive from the Pensionnat-du-Saint-Nom-de-Marie, their day at L’École supérieure begins with physical training. The other day, when the students arrive from home, their day at L’École supérieure begins at 2:00 p.m. with ballet class. Complementary classes are cancelled until October 28 because the bubble-classes cannot be maintained there.

Theoretical classes in person are now online. The Saturday schedule is condensed and complementary classes are cancelled until October 28. A holiday is added this Friday, October 9.

Your precious collaboration and your resilience are precious to us. Let us continue to take our precautions to remain collectively healthy and continue to show kindness to one another. As the whole world goes through an exceptional ordeal, we would like to underline your exemplary responsiveness since the very beginning of the pandemic. – Alix Laurent, Executive Director

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